Sunday, August 30, 2009

Best shampoo for your dog

Selecting the best dog shampoo-
Well, before you grab your favorite human shampoo, remember that your dog's needs are a little different from yours. Since dogs dont need to be washed every day, selecting a high quality shampoo is worthwhile. The primary issue is pH, which should be lower than your typical human shampoo, in order to qualify as the best dog shampoo.
Ingredients - It is always a good idea to read the ingredients list. The best dog shampoo should include natural ingredients. The best dog shampoo should not lather up like foam, instead it should lather lightly and rinse easily to leave your dog clean.
Scent - Be careful of heavy artificial scents as they may cause skin or respiratory irritation.
The main difference between your shampoo and the best dog shampoo will be the pH levels. A lower pH is more suited to dogs. Leaving a soapy residue can be irritating to your dog's skin, so the best dog shampoo will rinse thoroughly and completely without leaving a residue.

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