Sunday, November 30, 2008


this is one of the rarest cancer in dogs and humans. female dog was suffering from this but she came to us at very late stage . the earlier vets were not able to diagnose it. somehow there is no such treatment for cancer. we operated the dog but couldnt save it was too late for me as well,////she was in her last stages....

epulis in a dog

this dog has epulis and belongs to one of the famous personality in India. dog was getting some treatment from other vets but no improvement. the dog came to or hospital and i put it on some homoeopathic medicines on the basis of weekly doses. now there is no growth in just one month. such a wonderful experience.....some times allopathic medicines doesnt work....but finally the dog is happy and likeky the owner is happy......

whats next

after the whole day drama finally i am not leaving this job now.

Friday, November 28, 2008

my decision

finally after such a long journey i have decided to leave the job.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

radio talk

finally i submitted my MBA talk was good. initially it was bit OK as i just reached the radio station and RJ said you have to speak on this subject. i was little nervous coz of so many tensions and stress. but finally the show went very well. some callers asked the questions despite every body was on the TV to see Bombay things. India is such a place anything can happen any time and anywhere. so now i am at such a spot where i have to decide about my future. don't know what is going to happen. but what so ever it will be, it will be best for my life....hoping so...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

my project

today finally i am going to submit my project for MBA degree. so now one more achievement.

Monday, November 24, 2008

visiting vets

two volunteers vets visited ngo, they are working with wvs and were in tamilnadu for 4months. it was a good experience to share with them the technical skills.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

my first day on this blog

today is my first day when i m putting thoughts on this blog..

Friday, November 14, 2008

what i am

i am a veterinarian working at an ngo in delhi.