fruits and vegetables for your guinea pig -
Red or Green Bell Peppers:One slice of a whole pepper without seeds should be given daily,Very high in vit C, especially the red, but all colours have high vit c content.
Broccoli:Half a floret, including the stalk, twice weekly.
Carrot:One baby carrot or a small slice of a large carrot, every other day.
Romaine Lettuce: One large leaf, every other day. Never give guinea pigs iceberg lettuce, its not nutritious and it can give them an upset tummmy and diarrhoea.
Dandelion Leaves: Two or three, average size, twice weekly. A seasonal food during spring and summer.
Fresh Grass: Small handful, three to four times weekly. A seasonal food, spring, summer and autumn. Never put guinea pigs out on wet grass, always make sure the grass is dry and never use grass that's been cut by a lawn mower.
More about saftey tips below.
Baby Tomato's: One baby tomato or small plum tomato, twice weekly.
Cucumber:Very little nutritional value, but has high water content and is loved by most guinea pigs. Cucumber is really appreciated by guinea pigs in hot weather, it acts as a liquid and is nice and cool.
Apple: One small slice, include peel, give weekly, remove core and pips.
Pear: One small slice, include peel, give weekly, remove core and pips.
Seedless Grapes: One or two, must be seedless, give weekly.