Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I generally recommend that you should NOT vaccinate against rabies:

Puppies younger than 3 months

A pet that has reacted adversely to vaccination in the past

A sick pet, especially a dog with cancer or an autoimmune disease

Before, during or after surgery, chemotherapy or other major medical procedure


what to do after a dog bite -
# Firstly, the wound should be wiped clean of any saliva. The cloth used should be discarded and care should be taken, not to touch the saliva. Instead, the wound should be washed well with soap and running water.

# After drying, the wound should not be closed if it is a puncture wound, but it may be covered with a dry dressing if there is a cut or laceration.
# The person should be taken to the doctor immediately.

# Since there is a chance of being infected with tetanus, the doctor will administer an injection containing tetanus vaccine.

# The dog should not be killed, but should be kept under observation for 10-15 days to see whether it develops symptoms of rabies. If it does not develop symptoms within 10 days, then chances are that it is not infected by rabies. There have been cases reported where the dog does not show symptoms of rabies, but still carried the virus. That is why it is important to ask the owner, whether the dog has been vaccinated and whether it has been behaving normally. In every case, a dog bite should be judged by its own merits. As per WHO recommendations, it is better to take the course of anti-rabies treatment to provide immunity against the disease.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


A few behavioral problems, dynamics, or environmental issues that can be potentially corrected:

Messy cages
Your schedule and available time
other exotic wild animals that are caged and kept in captivity, these birds suffer from emotional disturbances such as self-mutilation, obsessive compulsive behaviors, uncontrollable screaming, severe inhibition, and even insanity. Malnutrition from inadequate diet is extremely prevalent. Such physical and emotional damage is often not reversible, leaving these traumatized birds with little hope for a secure or happy future.There are various other things that people have been successful in using to prevent their birds from plucking. Sometimes moving your bird to a larger cage may help, by giving them more room to explore and be active. Allowing your bird more access to the sunshine may help as well. You may also try putting items into the cage that the bird can preen, rather than chew on itself, such as brightly colored feathers or even wigs.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Touch is the first sense the dog develops and remains a powerfully important sense throughout his life. Mothers begin touching newborn puppies almost immediately after birth by licking and nuzzling. Touch-sensitive hairs called vibrissae, which are capable of sensing airflow, develop above the eyes, on the muzzle, and below the jaws. The entire body, including the paws, is covered with touch-sensitive nerve endings. The physical sense of touch is very sensitive, although dogs do have a high threshold of pain. The most sensitive nerve endings are along the spine and towards the tail, and dogs show great enthusiasm when patted or extended rolls and slides on the grass.
The dogs' senses leads to some surprising behaviors.

# A dog knows when you're going out
# It can sleep next to the TV when it's on but you can wake it with only crumpling paper
# Some dogs like to watch their surroundings from a high place even though it's sense of sight isn't very developed
# A dog can distinguish the family cars' sound
# A dog can differentiate the touch of family members
A dog alerts the family member at home, even if you are on the other corner of the street

Monday, December 21, 2009

my department-HAU, HISAR


There are 3 methods to train your dog into obedience successfully:

1. Give dog your orders by language

2. Transmit signal by his body using a leash

3. Train dog with your hands or body actions.

it will be better if you use the three methods at the same time. Especially at the beginning of training, dog can't understand the commands well, so, your hands and leash are important as supplementary means, which can express your meaning better. Whenever you walk, move your left foot first, say the command "go" at the same time. In this way, you can lead his action with your left leg. When you want to stop, stop with your right foot first, then close the feet, at the same time, say the command "stop".

Dog and Cat Clinic (Dr.Geeta, M.V.Sc (Surgery), MBA,) Punjabi bagh provide best veterinary services to your pet

Dog and Cat Clinic (Dr.Geeta, M.V.Sc (Surgery), MBA,) Punjabi bagh provide best veterinary services to your pet: "all type of treatment, Vaccinations, Minor and major surgeries (castration, spaying, pyometra, mammary tumor, hernia, urinary bladder stones, ear hematoma, f..."

Sunday, December 20, 2009


As dog's ears are able to move in different directions, it is easier for dogs to pinpoint the exact location of a sound's origin. The frequencies that dogs can perceive and hear are almost twice that of humans and they can pick up and distinguish sounds at roughly 4 times the range of humans. Not only do dogs hear the sounds but also perceive the height and depth of the sounds that they hear. Dogs also have the ability to hear ultra high frequencies that humans cannot and many professional doghandlers and trainers use this ability to their advantage by teaching them and training them to respond to different commands given on whistles that produce ultra high frequency sounds. Dogs are also very sensitive to complete silence also taking this as a warning sign of impending threat. This sensitivity to silence is found in almost all wild animals.
Humans can hear sounds approximately within the frequencies of 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz. Anything below 20 Hz, typically cannot be heard although it can be felt. This can be experienced to when you feel the bass of a song. Likewise humans normally cannot hear any sounds above the frequency of 20,000 Hz. Although human hearing is limited to this frequency range, many animals have a wider range of sounds of which they can hear, like dogs for example.

The frequency range of dog hearing is approximately 40 Hz to 60,000 Hz, of course depending on the breed of dog as well as its age. Like humans, dogs can begin to go deaf as they become older. In some breeds of dogs it is natural for them to go completely deaf in their old age.


A dog's scent organ is about four times larger than a human's, and a dog's sense of smell is about 50-100 times more powerful than ours. Although all dogs have a powerful sense of smell, some breeds have a greater talent for sniffing e.g. Basset Hounds, Bloodhounds, and Beagles, which are considered 'scent hounds.' If you live with a scent hound, you know how difficult it is to get his mind focused on anything but odors.

A dog's brain is also specialized for identifying scents. The percentage of the dog's brain that is devoted to analyzing smells is actually 40 times larger than that of a human! It's been estimated that dogs can identify smells somewhere between 1,000 to 10,000 times better than nasally challenged humans can.

Its smell sense is so developed that it can detect the slightest environmental change. The dog can detect the change of character of other dogs or humans that surround them, just by detecting the slight increase or decrease of their hormonal levels and their sweat. This has nothing to do with a sixth sense: the dog can just detect certain signals that go unnoticed by humans.

Even so, tears of joy contain different substances than those of sadness or pain and dogs are able to tell the difference. The sense of smell of dogs enables them to follow the cent of a wild animal and locate it; track missing persons; search for people buried under decries or snow, follow the trace of a criminal or detect hidden drugs.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Dogs are red-green color blind. They see a brighter and less detailed world when compared to humans. Peripheral vision is better than humans, but distance is not judged quite as well. Dogs excel at night vision and the detection of moving objects.Dogs and cats have vision with a very limited color spectrum. Blue is visible but red, green, and yellow all appear similar.Dogs are better able to detect movement.

Dogs have much better night vision for 2 reasons:

# The have more rods (which enable night vision).
# They have a structure called the Tapetum Lucidum
This is a reflective surface behind the retina that reflects light back through it.
Although it is commonly believed that dogs and cats see only in black and white, recent evidence suggests that animals may have some degree of useful color vision. The perception of color is determined by the presence of cone photoreceptors within the retina. These cone cells function in bright light conditions and comprise approximately 20% of the photoreceptors in the central retina of the dog. In humans, the central retina is 100% cones. Behavioral tests in dogs suggest that they can distinguish red and blue colors but often confuse green and red.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Taste: - A dog's senses of taste and smell are closely linked and it is possible that dogs gain more imformation about food from its smell than from its taste.
Dog taste buds: - It is generally accepted that dogs are not that picky or selective when it comes to the taste of the food that they eat. In fact sometimes it seems that a even a well fed and nourished dog will eat anything regardless of whether it is spoiled or horrid tasting and there are even many dogs that will eat the feces of other animals or dogs.
Do dog have taste bud? - Knowing this it is obvious that dogs can in fact be choosy about what they eat and will normally not eat something that they find disagreeable. Most of a dog's taste buds are clustered around the tip of the tongue. Dogs can detect bitter, sweet, salty, and sour tastes, but their sense of taste is relatively poor and they have only one-sixth the number of taste buds that humans have.

What about domesticated dog? - One thing that we know for sure is that a dog that is sick will often not eat and sometimes a dog will just not feel like eating and will therefore not eat. But they will also leave in their food bowls things that they don't like, which heavily suggests that they are in fact governed by what they like and what tastes good to them at least to a certain extent. Most dog owners know what their dogs like to eat and what they don't and this is can be very different from dog to dog.
If your dog doesn't want to eat dry processed commercial dog food then maybe you should offer it some freshly cooked meat such as, beef, lamb, chicken (without the bone) along with some boiled whole grains like wheat or barley. Remember that dogs are carnivores by nature.

Monday, December 14, 2009

hamster babies

A hamster that has given birth should be disturbed as little or possible or she may become agitated and abandon, neglect, or even eat the babies. This means other than providing food and water, you should leave the hamsters and their cage alone as much as possible for the first couple of weeks.The hamsters will be ready for weaning at about 3 weeks of age, and it is best to separate the male pups into one group and the females into another. Syrian hamsters can stay in these male and female groups for another 2-3 weeks, but then must be separated so there is only one per cage.

Make sure you are feeding a high quality diet with lots of protein. In addition to a good quality diet, you can offer small amounts of hard boiled egg, bits of cooked chicken, cheese, and wheatgerm to give the mom a nurtitional boost.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


causes of dog odour and steps to remove it -

1. Wash your dog properly - Too many people do not wash their dogs properly. This can actually make things worse. First, check the dog over thoroughly for any obvious stink sources such as something they rolled in or poop stuck in the fur. Once wet, using a gentle dog shampoo, lather the dog up good and proper. Finally, rinse, rinse, rinse to get all of the shampoo out or it will dry, itch, and cause the dog to produce excess skin oil.
2. Dry the dog thoroughly - It's not just oils and the things the dog rolled in that create dog odor. It's also bacteria and bacteria waste. These bacteria love wet animal fur and are able to live and reproduce quite happily in it. The dogs with thick coats, hit them with a blow dryer. Just make sure you set it on the coolest setting possible.
3. Dog breath - If bad enough, dog breath can make a dog and the house wreak like hell. There are several things you can do to help reduce this odor. The most important is to start a proper oral hygiene regimen. It is often recommended that you brush your dog's teeth once a day. If the dog isn't healthy, it probably won't smell healthy either.
4. Anal glands - secrete an ishy, musty smelling substance with the feces. Sometimes these glands get clogged. This can cause some serious pet odor. A vet or groomer can drain these glands and make Doggy smell pretty again.
5.Ear infections - If the ears look nasty or are stinky, take the dog to the vet. The dog might also just have a skin infection that is causing the smell. It could be a yeast infection, a bacterial infection, or an allergy that has caused an increase in the musty-smelling.

my article - Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma in a dog: A case report
Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma in a dog: A case report


Fungal Ear Infections
Fungal ear infections in dogs are triggered by a fungus, which can often spread to other parts of the body, including the face and paws.
In the case of a yeast infection, which is among the most common types of fungal infection, the yeast is constantly present on the body. The dog's body typically keeps the yeast in-check, but moist conditions, can result in an overgrowth of the yeast – a yeast infection.
Fungal infections in dogs are often associated with discharge, redness, swelling, scaling, dryness, oozing and intense itching. When a dog scratches his ears, this not only spreads the infection, but the dog's nails can break the skin, resulting in a secondary bacterial infection affecting the dog's outer ear.

Yeast and other fungal infections have a tendency to spread to other body parts.
The most common treatment for a dog's fungal ear infection involves the use of ant-fungal drops or ointment, in conjunction with twice-daily cleanings of the dog's ears.

Friday, December 11, 2009

German Shpherd dog - common features

German Shepherds are a large-breed dog which generally are between 55 and 65 centimetres at the withers and weigh between 22 and 40 kilograms. They have a domed forehead, a long square-cut muzzle and a black nose. The jaws are strong, with a scissor-like bite. The eyes are medium-sized and brown with a lively, intelligent, and self-assured look. The ears are large and stand erect, open at the front and parallel. They have a long neck, which is raised when excited and lowered when moving at a fast pace. The tail is bushy and reaches to the hock.

A solid black German ShepherdGerman Shepherds can be a variety of colours, the most common of which are the tan/black and red/black varieties. Both varieties have black masks and black body markings which can range from a classic "saddle" to an over-all "blanket." Rarer colour variations include the sable, all-black, all-white, liver, and blue varieties. German Shepherds sport a double coat. The outer coat, which is shed all year round, is close and dense with a thick undercoat. The coat is accepted in two variants; medium and long. The long-hair gene is recessive, making the long-hair variety rarer.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

noise pollution - bad effects on living and non-living creatures

every one is bothered about the climate change,air pollution, water crisis etc. but how much we know about the effects of noise pollution on humans, animals, sea mammals, trees, plants and our non-living buildings...monuments, historical places.this audio link will help you to find out the bad effects of noise pollution. check this out...Tilak jha has really made a nice effort to project the influence of noise on human psychology, animals behavior and dying mammals coz of this pollution.


Dogs chew on just about anything they can wrap their mouths around and favourite objects are socks, shoes, furniture.
What Causes Dogs To Chew?
# loneliness or boredom.
# Separation anxiety
# When they are teething
# Through fear or a phobia.
# Seeking attention.
Some dogs chew just before their owner is due to arrive home. If your dog chews into electric wires, poisons and any number of other objects they could be in serious danger.

Dog Chewing - Prevention Is Your Best Option
Try these simple steps to help manage your dog's chewing: -
1. Puppy proof your home
2. Provide your dog with a few tasty chew toys.
3. Keep your dog in a safe and confined area while you are away from home. This could be a dog crate, kennel run or any secure room in your house.
4. Provide your dog with lots of exercise, both physical and mental when you are at home

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


If we carefully and thoughtfully observe and study, we will find that our dogs have a good basis to express themselves and we can understand their actions, body postures, facial expressions, vocal language and thereby begin to have a better understanding of what it is exactly that our dogs are feeling and experiencing.

Dog emotions: There is no question but that dogs have feelings and emotions that are in many ways similar to those experienced by humans. There reactions can sometimes even seem similar to those of humans. For example if a dog feels unloved they become depressed and express happiness when a member of the family returns home. They also become frightened when they feel threatened and seem to genuinely enjoy playing and having a good time.

A Dog Whisperer Gets into your dog's mind: The time that it would take to watch, study and organize your conclusions in such a way, that you would better understand what is going on inside your dog's mind and you can have complete understanding of what your dog is thinking, feeling and experiencing in many diverse and everyday situations.

Misconceptions about Dogs: There was a time when dogs were considered to be just dumb animals. This attitude is changing but unfortunately it is changing slowly and many still hold onto the notion that dogs cannot think for themselves. So the challenge is to try and explain in an understandable way how our dogs not only think but also to explain a little about why they think the way they do.

Monday, December 7, 2009

we love them

What's inside a dog that makes a dog?
Let's see...a loyal friend,
No, not a frog!
A happy friendship, promises to keep.
Patience and training and lots of sleep.
But most of all, of the above,
What your dog needs is your love



You need to have plenty of time to spend with a puppy. A puppy takes more time than a dog. It is a lot of work to teach a puppy all the things it needs to know to be a fun, healthy happy dog. Count on at least half an hour every morning, and an hour every evening. Some dogs will take more time than that.
The younger the dog the more time you have to add. For very young puppies you will want to take them out to relieve themselves about every two hours. That is one reason why busy people often start with an adult dog instead of a puppy.

You can't forget, and you can't leave it until later. Playing, exercising, teaching, grooming, feeding and watering, and letting it relieve itself is an everyday thing. Some dogs need more of one thing, and less of another, but they all need you every single day. Having a dog is a responsibility.

Puppies are babies. They will do things that make you mad, just because they are learning. And as they grow up they act just like teenagers. They try to get away with doing what they want, instead of what you want. And adult dogs often were not properly taught, they need help learning. Being firm is OK getting angry is useless, and can make things worse. Teaching them in a way that makes them healthy and happy, instead of afraid or angry, takes patience and understanding

Friday, December 4, 2009

guinea pig and pellets

Guinea pig food in the form of guinea pig pellets should be fed daily. Most guinea pigs will not overeat their guinea pig food and typically about an eighth of a cup per day of guinea pig food should be supplied. If you notice your guinea pig is getting obese, cut down on the guinea pig food you are giving them. Choose a good quality guinea pig food pellet and look for a guinea pig food that has a form of vitamin c in it. Store your guinea pig food in a cool dark place and your guinea pig food will last longer and stay fresher.

peachicks - comfort with each other

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


There can be may causes of dandruff - poor diet, low humidity, and too infrequent grooming to distribute the oils.
A very thin layer of fat and waxes, called sebum, normally prevents the moisture in the skin from escaping into the air. Some animals do not receive enough dietary fat, or cannot absorb the fat, to form a good sebum layer. Diseases that cause an excessive loss of body water in the urine or bowel movement, such as diabetes mellitus, kidney failure, or chronic diarrhea, will cause dryness of the skin and dandruff.
Any chronic irritation of the skin will speed up the skin reproduction rate and cause dandruff.

Flakes from the surface of the skin may not be skin cells. Substances applied to the skin which dry and flake may mimic dandruff. Shampoos, conditioners, and other skin cosmetics should be thoroughly rinsed after application to the skin. If your dog has white skin flakes around the neck, or back, he's probably got dandruff and there are some things that you can do.
Do not use shampoos made for human beings on your pet, especially not baby shampoos or medicated shampoos. A dog's skin has different ph level than human skin, so the chemicals in people shampoo can actually harm your pet's skin.

Make sure that you thoroughly rinse your dog after shampooing. The shampoo residue can cause your dog to itch and scratch. The presence of dandruff can sometimes indicate that the onset of serious health problems such as skin infections, allergies or an invasion of nasty parasites.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

bugdze - skin problem

meet bugdze - he has suffered a lot due to wrong diagnosis by a vet. but now he is recovering well after the right treatment.soon i will post his new photos of recovery.good luck to you.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


If your puppy urinate and defecate everywhere in your house, you must be very annoyed. you should train your puppy, so that your puppy urinate and defecate in a designated place.
Puppies are aware of that they should defecate away from their crate, even if they are less than one month old. When your puppy arrive home, you should train him to go to the bathroom as soon as possible. You can put a box in balcony,bathroom or hallway as a simple toilet, and it should be covered with old newspaper.

when your puppy is going to urinate or defecate, he will run around to find a right place to do that. Puppy is sniffing the floor as he walks around, sometimes he makes a sound and run up to the ower with fidget, all that means your puppy will defecate. Take your puppy in your arms to the box or bathroom. When your puppy finishes, you can say "Good boy" with reassuring pats and give him some tasty foods.

If puppy don't defecate in a designated place, you must pick the puppy up at once, and say "No" to him in a loud voice, then take hime to the bathroom.
you must get rid of the odour from the wrong place, if anything left, the puppy maybe come back again. puppy has a habit defecating in a certain place, but not same place. you should put old newspaper on crate, puppy will be aware of that he should defecate on newspaper, when your puppy get used to that, you can move newspaper anywhere you want puppy defecate.


she gulped the sewing needle in front of the ownners and they could not do anyhting. Radiograph shows the needle was in the stomach and after three days owners got some time for the poor dog and X-ray was repeated and surprisingly the needle was not there. what happened with the needle.....wait for few days and then will see it again..

Friday, November 27, 2009


niti adpoted this stray pup from the street. she lost her dog all of a sudden and that episode was very traumatic for the family. finally they decided to give home to a stray pup as they need one companion for them despite the breed. it is a wonderful act to adopt a stray. every family should adopt one stray or at least feed is human's help the needy ones...God want us to help these creatures, who are dependant on us..

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


The digestive system of a rabbit is very susceptible to serious upsets if the diet is inappropriate. The amount of pellets should be restricted, especially in overweight rabbits, but any reduction in pellets should be made up with a variety of fresh vegetables and unlimited access to hay.

Hay should be available at all times. Adding fresh hay a couple of times a day may help, and as the amount of pellets is reduced the rabbit will likely become hungry enough to eat the hay.

Vegetable should make up a large portion of the diet. Depending on the size of the rabbit, 2-4 cups of fresh veggies should be given per day. A variety must be fed daily to ensure a balanced diet. Suggested vegetable include carrots, carrot tops, broccoli, collard greens, mustard greens, dandelion greens, turnip greens, kale and spinach.
Vegetables should be introduced to bunnies around 12 weeks of age, in small quantities and one at a time. As more vegetable are added watch for diarrhea and discontinue the most recently added vegetable if this occurs. Over time, the amount of vegetables fed is increased, and the amount of pellets decreased, so that by 1 year of age the adult feeding recommendations are followed.

Pellets are basically designed for commercial rabbit production, and are quite high in calories. As a result, house rabbits fed unlimited pellets may end up with obesity and related health problems, as well as an excess of other nutrients. Pellets do have a place in rabbit nutrition, as they are rich and balanced in nutrients.

Treats sold in pet stores marketed for rabbits are generally unnecessary and in some cases could cause digestive problems due to their high carbohydrate or sugar content. Instead of food treats, consider offering twigs from apple or willow trees

Monday, November 23, 2009




Cavy toenails grow constantly. Some grow straighter while others have a tendency to curl and lie to one side. Very young guinea pig's nails are short and sharp. Early clippings help blunt their sharp nails. As a cavy ages, their nails become more brittle and grow more irregularly. Cavies kept as pets generally require nail clipping, as their nails do not receive enough wear to keep them at the proper length. Some people put a stone or brick in their pet's cage in the hope that it will wear down the nails so trimming is unnecessary. However, this is generally not effective and all cavies seem to require regular trims. A very few pigs will chew on their hind nails.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

vaccination for your dog

Vaccinations are a very important part of dog ownership. Your dog should be properly vaccinated against certain diseases at certain times to help protect him and other animals he may come in to contact with. The following is an explanation of vaccinations and why they should be given.

When you get a puppy, your veterinarian will most likely recommend a series of three sets of vaccinations. These will generally be given at four week intervals starting at eight weeks of age. The first vaccine will most likely be referred to as “distemper.” This is usually a combination shot that will protect your dog against distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza, leptospirosis, and coronavirus.

At your second visit (or at age 12 weeks), booster shot will be given to the first vaccine.
At age 16 weeks, your dog can be vaccinated for Rabies. Rabies is usually transmitted to dogs through saliva - most often in the form of a bite from an infected animal. Rabies affects all warm blooded animals but is most often found in bats, skunks, and raccoons. Rabies is always fatal.Check with your veterinarian on how often this immunization is recommended as protocols may vary.
By properly vaccinating your dog, you are helping to ensure both his safety and the safety of other pets and humans.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Dog shedding is one of the most common problems faced by dog owners. It causes health problems and cleanliness issues, and is generally one of the more unpleasant aspects of owning a dog. However, with proper care, it is possible to control excessive shedding of dogs. Here are some tips to help you do so:

• Brushing: This is a perhaps the most important aspect of controlling excessive shedding. Brush your dog regularly, so that all the hair that the dog sheds can be easily collected. Hair that is loose but still attached will also get pulled out and this will reduce the day long shedding. If your dog has a very heavy coat and sheds excessively, brush him two, maybe even three times a day to prevent him from shedding all over the house.

• Food: One of the factors that causes shedding in dogs is consumption of the wrong kinds of foods. This disturbs their chemical balance in their bodies and leads to shedding. Consult your vet to find out the best food options to prevent excessive shedding.

• Supplements: There are essential oils present on the skin of the dog that help keeps it moist. When dogs undergo excessive shedding, they lose these essential oils rapidly, which leads to dry skin, which in turn leads to excessive shedding. Give your dog a fatty acid supplement to help maintain the required balance of essential oils in his body.

• Control Ticks and Fleas: Ticks or fleas on the bodies of the dogs can cause a lot of discomfort to the dogs because of the constant bites all over the bodies. Their bites are relatively itchy and dogs tend to scratch themselves a lot when they have ticks and fleas on them. This excessive scratching leads to a lot of hair loss as hair keeps getting pulled out as the dog scratches, and this leads to shedding wherever the dog may be. To reduce such shedding, ensure that your dog is completely free of ticks and fleas. Consult your vet for effective treatment, if your dog is infected by them.

• Bathing: Different breeds of dogs have different bathing requirements. Almost every breed of dog that has a light to moderate coat of fur should be bathed regularly. Especially in the summer, depending on the breed of the dog, bathing your dog on a regular basis will help control excessive shedding to a large extent. This is because moistening the skin helps prevent shedding caused by dry skin.

• Use the right brushes: There are different kinds of brushes available for different purposes. For instance, you can use a slicker brushes, and stripping blades effectively to control excessive shedding. Consult your vet to find out the right kind of brushes that can be used for your breed of dog and learn about their individual functions.

• Regular Check ups: Sometimes excessive shedding can be a symptom of a disease and regular check ups will ensure that your dog is in perfect health and that his shedding is natural.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sexing of guinea pigs

Females (sows): The sows usually have a smooth swelling over their genital area. Sometimes, it can be bumpy looking, making you think it might be a male! If you gently part the genital opening, on a sow, a "Y" shaped opening should appear.

Males (boars): Press gently just above the genital area. If it's a male, you should be able to make the penis slowly extrude. Especially in heavy, older males, the penis can be "tucked away" in folds of skin, looking entirely like a female! You should TRY to get the penis to ease out.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

fruits and vegetables for guinea pig

fruits and vegetables for your guinea pig -
Red or Green Bell Peppers:One slice of a whole pepper without seeds should be given daily,Very high in vit C, especially the red, but all colours have high vit c content.
Broccoli:Half a floret, including the stalk, twice weekly.
Carrot:One baby carrot or a small slice of a large carrot, every other day.
Romaine Lettuce: One large leaf, every other day. Never give guinea pigs iceberg lettuce, its not nutritious and it can give them an upset tummmy and diarrhoea.
Dandelion Leaves: Two or three, average size, twice weekly. A seasonal food during spring and summer.
Fresh Grass: Small handful, three to four times weekly. A seasonal food, spring, summer and autumn. Never put guinea pigs out on wet grass, always make sure the grass is dry and never use grass that's been cut by a lawn mower.
More about saftey tips below.
Baby Tomato's: One baby tomato or small plum tomato, twice weekly.
Cucumber:Very little nutritional value, but has high water content and is loved by most guinea pigs. Cucumber is really appreciated by guinea pigs in hot weather, it acts as a liquid and is nice and cool.
Apple: One small slice, include peel, give weekly, remove core and pips.
Pear: One small slice, include peel, give weekly, remove core and pips.
Seedless Grapes: One or two, must be seedless, give weekly.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009


Tumors that develop in the lymph nodes often present as swellings with no other symptoms. The gastrointestinal form often is accompanied with vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, and lack of appetite. The mediastinal form often presents with shortness of breath and muffled heart sounds. The cutaneous form can present in several different ways including single or multiple lumps in the skin, or mouth. These bumps can itch or be red and ulcerated.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

vomiting in dogs

Dog vomiting is a common experience for dogs. Vomiting is the discharge of contents from the stomach through the mouth and could be accompanied by nausea, strong abdominal contractions, and uneasiness on the part of the dog.
It is necessary to determine the cause of vomiting because it can suggest a severe, life-threatening disease. It can happen because of many causes which may include something as simple as gastritis, to other complex and even dangerous diseases. The most common causes of dog vomiting are dietary-related which could involve overeating or eating overly rich or spoiled food that triggers acute or sudden vomiting as well as undesirable food reactions like allergies that can cause chronic vomiting. There are also other causes triggered by the gastrointestinal system itself or from secondary causes due to a disease somewhere else in the body such as liver or kidney disease. Within the stomach, find out if your dog has stomach cancer, stomach ulceration, or obstructed foreign bodies. It is also possible that your dog has worms or an inflammatory bowel disease.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Try to avoid guinea pigs that are panicky when handled, especially if they do not relax quickly, and also those that are overly quiet and calm.
The guinea pig should be alert and active.
Avoid guinea pigs that are overly skinny or grossly overweight. The body should be firm and rounded.
The nose, eyes, ears, and rear end should be clean and free from discharge.
The coat should be full and soft.
Check the skin for flakes or redness, and be on the lookout for any signs of parasites such as lice

guinea pig sounds

Guinea pigs have a large vocabulary and it can really help you, and your guinea pig if you have a better understanding of what your guinea pig is saying. Many people come up with all kinds of different names to describe a guinea pig sound, chut, chubble, wheeeek, rumble are just a few, but I'm sure once you hear the noise and read the description of why piggy is making the noise, you will soon get to recognise what your guinea pig is saying. Remember some sounds can have more than one meaning or sound similar but you can usually tell the differences as their body language plays a large part in how guinea pigs communicate with us or with each other.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

shona, scooby

me,shona with sona and scooby.....two little guine pigs.these are so sweeeet,lovely and cuddly...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

canine distemper - a dreadly disease

Canine distemper is one of the most significant and highly contagious viral disease of dogs. The virus targets various organ systems all at the same time in an animal’s body adding to its severity.

The canine distemper virus is spread in many ways. An infected animal can easily shed the virus through exhalation implying that the virus is transmitted via air. The virus is also shed through other bodily secretions and excretions such as urine and feces.

Symptoms of Canine Distemper
What canine distemper is in terms of symptoms maybe confused with other diseases due to its universal and wide range clinical manifestations. Common symptoms are either gastrointestinal (such as vomiting, decrease in appetite, and diarrhea) or respiratory in nature (difficulty in breathing). Behavioral changes include lethargy, weakness, and depression. Neurological signs may also be seen such as muscle twitching especially near the mouth and legs. Seizures and paralysis may occur in severe cases. A more or less unique skin sign in dogs with canine distemper is the hardening of footpads and nose pad most evident in older dogs. Sudden death is not uncommon with this disease.
Prevention of Canine Distemper
Canine distemper is rampant in unvaccinated dog population. Vaccination of young dogs begins as early as 5 weeks of age. Booster shots are administered yearly to ensure and maintain the antibodies against the virus. Infected animals should also be quarantined from other animals.
Treatment of Canine Distemper
Similar with other viral diseases there is no direct treatment for canine distemper. Early detection of the disease is also important to increase the chances of recovery. Once a dog has been infected, a dog owner can only offer supportive treatment and hope for the best. Antibiotic therapy may also be prescribed to lessen any detrimental effects of opportunistic secondary bacterial infections. Recovery may be absolute. However, in most cases, despite being provided with the utmost care, debilitating signs do persist throughout the animal’s life such as involuntary muscle twitching.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Ticks are parasitic arthropods that feed on the blood of their hosts. Ticks tend to hide out in tall grass or plants in wooded areas waiting for prospective hosts. Ticks climb onto their host and attach their mouthparts into the skin, beginning the blood meal. Once locked in place, they will not detach until their meals are complete. They may continue to feed for several hours to days, depending on the type of tick. On dogs, ticks often attach themselves in areas with little to no hair – in and around the ears, the areas where the insides of the legs meet the body, between the toes, and within skin folds.
Most species of ticks go through four life stages - eggs, larvae, nymphs, and adults. All stages beyond eggs will attach to a host for a blood meal. Depending on species, the life span of a tick can be several months to years, and female adults can lay hundreds to thousands of eggs at a time.

Though they are known vectors of disease, not all ticks transmit disease – in fact, many ticks do not even carry diseases. However, the threat of disease is always present where ticks are concerned, and these risks should always be taken seriously. Most tick-borne diseases will take several hours to transmit to a host, so the sooner a tick is located and removed, the lower the risk of disease. The symptoms of most tick-borne diseases include fever and lethargy, though some can also cause weakness, lameness, joint swelling and or anemia. Some ticks can cause a temporary condition called “tick paralysis,” which is manifested by a gradual onset of difficulty walking that may develop into paralysis. If you notice these or any other signs of illness in your dog, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible so that proper testing and necessary treatments can begin.
The following are some of the most common tick-borne diseases:
Lyme disease
Rocky Mountain spotted fever

Monday, November 2, 2009

chhoti - perfect recovery

chhoti has recovered very well from the trauma of illness and surgery. the wound is perfect, rather no scar is there. Good luck ......

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Here are some ways and the meaning od tail waging -
Relaxed tail: Relaxation and comfort.
Hanging horizontal but not stiff: A sign of attention. The dog sees something interesting.
Hanging horizontal but stiff: The dog is confronting an intruder or someone or something unknown.
Upright tail: This is a sign of authority of a dog that shows itself dominant.
Upright tail and turned over the back: shows trust and self-control.
Downward and close to the hind legs: If its extremities are rigid and it wags its tail slightly, it shows "I'm not feeling well". If its legs are slightly bent it's a sign on insecurity.
Tail hidden between its legs: Fear or submission.
Raised tail and slow and rhythmic movement: The dog is on guard.
Wagging lightly: Is their normal welcome.
Wagging with broad circles: When two dogs are mock fighting this movement confirms it's a game.
Short and slow movements: Shows that it's pleased. Sometimes its only wags its tail a few times when it's on the floor.
Wagging fast: Excitement to a desired activity or object.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

cockatiel bird

A cockatiel comes in many colors. The pied, cinnamon, lutinos and pearls are just a few of the many varieties available. The most important thing to remember when you pick a cockatiel is to get a healthy bird that has been well cared for. The cage should be placed in an area that is well lit and ventilated. It should be placed in a quite area, at least at first, to allow the cockatiel a quiet place to adjust when you first bring him home. As he gets used to your home you can gradually move his cage to a permanent place. A cockatiel will actually enjoy being in the center of a busy family but he needs time to adjust to his cage first.
The cage should be roomy and spacious enough for the cockatiel to move about freely. You should purchase the largest cage that will fit in the area that you have chosen to keep your pet in.It should have several perches of different sizes placed at different levels throughout the cage.
Food and water dishes should be attached to the cage and filled. The cockatiel will eat seed which can be purchased from your pet store and is specifically formulated for cockatiels.
Keep in mind that not all bird seed is the same so be sure to purchase a seed blend intended for cockatiels. Fresh fruit and vegetables can also be offered to your cockatiel in a separate food dish. All the dishes should be emptied and washed each day and refilled with fresh clean water and food.
There are many toys that you can purchase for a cockatiel. The toys will keep your pet entertained while you are away as well as giving him some exercise while he is in his cage.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

cocktail birds - cherry and max

these are so sweet...lovely....full of life..


The most common cause of excessive cat sneezing is an upper respiratory infection. Most sneezing infections are caused either by the Parainfluenza virus or the Adenovirus. These viral infections are highly contagious and can lead to a number of symptoms including excess mucus production, swollen eyes and glands, coughing and excessive sneezing. Cat sneezing infections are caused by bacteria such as Bordatella and Adeno-2. Not only do these bacteria cause sneezing in cats, but they can also similarly infect the human system as well.
If you are having a difficult time figuring out what is causing your cat to sneeze, you will want to visit your veterinarian. This will probably be the easiest and most accurate way of diagnosing your cat’s sneezing problem.

Friday, October 23, 2009


Causes of Nosebleeds in Dogs -
Uni-lateral nose bleeds are most likely be caused by:
-A foreign object in the nostril irritating the nasal passage
-A root tooth abscess
-Nasal tumors
Other causes of nose bleeds (often affecting both nostrils)
-Nasal mites
-Ingestion of rat poison
-Bleeding disorders
-Erlichiosis, a condition transmitted by ticks
-Fungal condition
Owners of dogs affected by nosebleeds should not be alarmed if their dog will have a dark, tarry stool or if the dog vomits liquid resembling coffee grounds. In both cases this simply denotes that the dog has swallowed digested blood. If the gums of a dog suffering from blood loss appear pale and not pink, a vet should be seen as soon as possible.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


these are live and so beautiful.

Friday, October 16, 2009

pyometra surgery - chhoti is in recovery process

chhoti was sick with pyometra since last 14 months. Owners were concerned about her condition and approached Vets one after the other, but no result. Finally they approached at my clinic and chhoti was bleeding too much. I decided to operate her immediately. Surgery was done and recovery was smooth. Now she is in the recovery phase after the surgery and is coming back to normal life gradually. Happy Diwali to Chhoti, Orpita and Mr. Sudeep.

Monday, October 12, 2009


1. Clip the nails after a bath when they are soft.
2. For long-haired dogs, push the nails through the stocking. This will safely hold the hair away from the nail clippers

3. Break open a Vitamin E capsule and rub the oil into the pads to keep them nice and soft.
4. Rub a little Vaseline into the nails after clipping.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

types of food for your cat

Types of Cat Foods
The three main types of cat foods are dry, soft-moist and canned products
1. Dry food
Dry products consist of crunchy kibbles, which help reduce the build-up of plaque and tartar on a cat’s teeth. Dry foods also have the advantage of staying fresh longer than soft-moist and canned products once the package is opened.
2. Soft-Moist food
Soft-moist cat foods generally offer higher palatability as compared to dry diets, are convenient to serve and store easily.
3. Canned Diets
These diets have the highest palatability when compared to the dry and soft-moist products.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Some tips to keep your dog fit and healthy -
1. Dry food should be your dog's basic food. it should contain at least 22% protein, preferably more for a bigger dog and if your dog has a big appetite.
2. Supplement the dry food with meat, preferably fresh frozen specifically for dogs.
3. Canned meats ot table scraps, are not advised. 4. Two smaller meals are healthier than one larger meal. Puppies up to age four months require three meals a day, with feeding times adhered to strictly-morning, noon and early evening.
5. Give puppies twice-weekly servings of yogurt to restore intestinal flora, and wheat germ for vitamins B.
6. Fresh water-in sufficient quanity-is a must. Change it twice daily.
7. Never cancel a feeding as punishment to your dog.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

peacock - National bird

Beautiful peacock with peachicks -
Peacocks are large, colorful pheasants known for their iridescent tails. These tail feathers, or coverts, spread out in a distinctive train that is more than 60 percent of the bird’s total body length and boast colorful "eye" markings of blue, gold, red, and other hues. The large train is used in mating rituals and courtship displays. It can be arched into a magnificent fan that reaches across the bird's back and touches the ground on either side. Females are believed to choose their mates according to the size, color, and quality of these outrageous feather trains.The term "peacock" is commonly used to refer to birds of both sexes. Technically, only males are peacocks. Females are peahens, and together, they are called peafowl.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Rabbit - neutering is necessary

Surgery can be as safe on rabbits as on any animal. Unfortunately, the majority of veterinarians aren't experienced with safe techniques.
Females can be spayed as soon as they sexually mature, usually around 4 months of age. Males can be neutered as soon as the testicles descend, usually around 3-1/2 months of age.
The risk of reproductive cancers for an unspayed female rabbit stands at is virtually eliminated by spaying your female rabbit. Your neutered male rabbit will live longer as well, given that he won't be tempted to fight with other animals due to his sexual aggression.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Father of our Nation - Mahatama Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi was a simple man, with simple tastes and high values.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, also known as 'Bapu' or 'Father of the nation', was born on the 2nd of October in 1869, in Porbunder, Gujrat. He studied law in U.K and practiced law in South Africa. But he left his profession and returned to India to join the Indian freedom struggle. Gandhi ji was a preacher of truth and 'Ahimsa'(non-violence).He started the 'Satyagraha' movement for the Indian freedom struggle. He believed in living a simple life and in 'Swadeshi'. He proved to the world that freedom can be achieved through the path of non-violence. Gandhiji is a symbol of peace and truth.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Mini - real fighter

this is mini. she is a real fighter and won from deadly viral infection.Enjoy your life...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

care of eyes of your dog

Care for your dog's eyes:
Keep all hair out of your dog's eyes since scratches to the cornea can result from contact with hair.
Trim the hair using only blunt-nosed scissors, cutting parallel to the edge of the eyelid.
Keep eyes clear of mucus at all times.
Apply a protective ophthalmic ointment under the top lid to protect the eyes before bathing, facial cleanings.
'Tear staining' is a common problem with particular breeds of dogs and can get unsightly if not taken care of. Normally, tears flow across the surface of the eye and quickly drain through the tear duct. This discoloration at the corners of the eyes is caused by normal tears that spill out and lay on the surrounding hair.

Monday, September 28, 2009

guinea pig - Related facts

Do you know following things about Guinea pig -

* Body temperature is 99 - 103°F.
* Heart rate is 240-350 beats per minute.
* Respiratory rate is 40-150 breaths per minute.
* An average adult male weights 900-1200 grams.

* An average adult female weighs 700 - 900 grams.

* Life span is 5 - 8 years.
* Guinea pig's teeth are open-rooted and they grow continously.

* Guinea pigs are strict herbivores.

we with Guinea pig

Saturday, September 26, 2009

social interaction between guinea pig, pigeon and rabbit

Guinea pigs are a social, herd animal and normally do much better, and are healthier and happier in pairs or trios. They will still bond with you. By having two, you give them a happier life when you are not around. The cost and care of two is not much more than one.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Intussusception in dog - could be serious as well.

Intussusception can be quite a painful experience for your dog, as your dog will not eat or drink and can be easily mixed up with many other more common conditions such as dog constipation or straining to pass feces.
This is normally harmless to your dog long but as the contractions of the vomiting or diarrhea get worse then the muscles in the lower intestines contract so hard that they overlap each other or go inside each other.
After the overlapping process has happened, the following food that is being passed through the intestines becomes trapped in the overlapped part.
This is not a very common occurrence in dogs but may cause constant retching to vomit. Surgery is usually the way to fix intussusception by going into the effected area and pulling the two overlapping part apart and releasing and removing the contained waste to ensure a normal passage in the future.
This procedure should always be dealt with by a vet and ask for further guidance which usually results in a check-up to identify the condition.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Neurofibroma in a dog on chest cavity

Neurofibroma is a benign nerve sheath tumor in the peripheral nervous system, a genetically-inherited disease, and can result in physical disfiguration and pain to cognitive disability. Neurofibromas arise from Schwann cells. Neurofibromas have been subdivided into two broad categories: dermal and plexiform. Dermal are associated with a single peripheral nerve, while plexiform are associated with multiple nerve bundles.
Dermal Neurofibromas
Dermal neurofibromas continue to increase in number and size throughout life. They look like lumps on or under the skin.
Plexiform Neurofibromas
Plexiform neurofibromas are often congenital defects, and can be very large and can cause pain, disfigurement, neurological and other clinical deficits. These tumors are commonly treated with surgical removal. Dermal neurofibromas are not usually removed unless they are painful or disfiguring, because there are generally so many of them and they are not dangerous.

These are the photos of a street pet dog and i have already written about her story. I feel so sorry for her as she came to me in quite late stages. CT scan revealed that growth was deeply attached with intercostal muscles and was deeply rooted in the thoracic cavity. i tried but couldn't help her too much.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Guinea pig - Need vitamin C everyday

Guinea pigs need a daily source of vitamin C. A lack of vitamin C causes a disease called scurvy. Scurvy in guinea pigs causes eye infections, hair loss and pneumonia. Guinea pigs need about 25-35 mg of vitamin C a day. You can break up 250 - 500 mg ascorbic acid tablets and sprinkle a portion on their food daily.
Guinea pigs can be maintained on commercial guinea pig pellets alone. Alfalfa hay and cubes can be feed if other hay is also fed. Many sources of alfalfa are too rich to be a major component of guinea pig diets. Fruits, starchy vegetables and sweet items are best not fed because they can destroy the normal intestinal flora or bacteria.