Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Taste: - A dog's senses of taste and smell are closely linked and it is possible that dogs gain more imformation about food from its smell than from its taste.
Dog taste buds: - It is generally accepted that dogs are not that picky or selective when it comes to the taste of the food that they eat. In fact sometimes it seems that a even a well fed and nourished dog will eat anything regardless of whether it is spoiled or horrid tasting and there are even many dogs that will eat the feces of other animals or dogs.
Do dog have taste bud? - Knowing this it is obvious that dogs can in fact be choosy about what they eat and will normally not eat something that they find disagreeable. Most of a dog's taste buds are clustered around the tip of the tongue. Dogs can detect bitter, sweet, salty, and sour tastes, but their sense of taste is relatively poor and they have only one-sixth the number of taste buds that humans have.

What about domesticated dog? - One thing that we know for sure is that a dog that is sick will often not eat and sometimes a dog will just not feel like eating and will therefore not eat. But they will also leave in their food bowls things that they don't like, which heavily suggests that they are in fact governed by what they like and what tastes good to them at least to a certain extent. Most dog owners know what their dogs like to eat and what they don't and this is can be very different from dog to dog.
If your dog doesn't want to eat dry processed commercial dog food then maybe you should offer it some freshly cooked meat such as, beef, lamb, chicken (without the bone) along with some boiled whole grains like wheat or barley. Remember that dogs are carnivores by nature.

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