Friday, October 23, 2009


Causes of Nosebleeds in Dogs -
Uni-lateral nose bleeds are most likely be caused by:
-A foreign object in the nostril irritating the nasal passage
-A root tooth abscess
-Nasal tumors
Other causes of nose bleeds (often affecting both nostrils)
-Nasal mites
-Ingestion of rat poison
-Bleeding disorders
-Erlichiosis, a condition transmitted by ticks
-Fungal condition
Owners of dogs affected by nosebleeds should not be alarmed if their dog will have a dark, tarry stool or if the dog vomits liquid resembling coffee grounds. In both cases this simply denotes that the dog has swallowed digested blood. If the gums of a dog suffering from blood loss appear pale and not pink, a vet should be seen as soon as possible.

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