Sunday, December 13, 2009


causes of dog odour and steps to remove it -

1. Wash your dog properly - Too many people do not wash their dogs properly. This can actually make things worse. First, check the dog over thoroughly for any obvious stink sources such as something they rolled in or poop stuck in the fur. Once wet, using a gentle dog shampoo, lather the dog up good and proper. Finally, rinse, rinse, rinse to get all of the shampoo out or it will dry, itch, and cause the dog to produce excess skin oil.
2. Dry the dog thoroughly - It's not just oils and the things the dog rolled in that create dog odor. It's also bacteria and bacteria waste. These bacteria love wet animal fur and are able to live and reproduce quite happily in it. The dogs with thick coats, hit them with a blow dryer. Just make sure you set it on the coolest setting possible.
3. Dog breath - If bad enough, dog breath can make a dog and the house wreak like hell. There are several things you can do to help reduce this odor. The most important is to start a proper oral hygiene regimen. It is often recommended that you brush your dog's teeth once a day. If the dog isn't healthy, it probably won't smell healthy either.
4. Anal glands - secrete an ishy, musty smelling substance with the feces. Sometimes these glands get clogged. This can cause some serious pet odor. A vet or groomer can drain these glands and make Doggy smell pretty again.
5.Ear infections - If the ears look nasty or are stinky, take the dog to the vet. The dog might also just have a skin infection that is causing the smell. It could be a yeast infection, a bacterial infection, or an allergy that has caused an increase in the musty-smelling.

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