Wednesday, December 30, 2009


what to do after a dog bite -
# Firstly, the wound should be wiped clean of any saliva. The cloth used should be discarded and care should be taken, not to touch the saliva. Instead, the wound should be washed well with soap and running water.

# After drying, the wound should not be closed if it is a puncture wound, but it may be covered with a dry dressing if there is a cut or laceration.
# The person should be taken to the doctor immediately.

# Since there is a chance of being infected with tetanus, the doctor will administer an injection containing tetanus vaccine.

# The dog should not be killed, but should be kept under observation for 10-15 days to see whether it develops symptoms of rabies. If it does not develop symptoms within 10 days, then chances are that it is not infected by rabies. There have been cases reported where the dog does not show symptoms of rabies, but still carried the virus. That is why it is important to ask the owner, whether the dog has been vaccinated and whether it has been behaving normally. In every case, a dog bite should be judged by its own merits. As per WHO recommendations, it is better to take the course of anti-rabies treatment to provide immunity against the disease.

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