Sunday, November 1, 2009


Here are some ways and the meaning od tail waging -
Relaxed tail: Relaxation and comfort.
Hanging horizontal but not stiff: A sign of attention. The dog sees something interesting.
Hanging horizontal but stiff: The dog is confronting an intruder or someone or something unknown.
Upright tail: This is a sign of authority of a dog that shows itself dominant.
Upright tail and turned over the back: shows trust and self-control.
Downward and close to the hind legs: If its extremities are rigid and it wags its tail slightly, it shows "I'm not feeling well". If its legs are slightly bent it's a sign on insecurity.
Tail hidden between its legs: Fear or submission.
Raised tail and slow and rhythmic movement: The dog is on guard.
Wagging lightly: Is their normal welcome.
Wagging with broad circles: When two dogs are mock fighting this movement confirms it's a game.
Short and slow movements: Shows that it's pleased. Sometimes its only wags its tail a few times when it's on the floor.
Wagging fast: Excitement to a desired activity or object.

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