Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Urinary Tract Infection in Dogs

In dog, urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria in the urinary bladder, urethra or kidney. Symptoms are easy to diagnose for a vet and with early treatment the infection will wane off completely within short time. But if left untreated, the disease may become fatal.
Common symptoms -
1. The dog will demand to go outside frequently even if you have given him proper toilet training.
2. He may cry to take him for walking. The dog will feel difficulty in urination.
3. There may be straining. The passed urine will have a fetid smell.
4. In complex cases symptoms of blood dribbling out from the urethra can be seen. It causes tremendous burning sensation in the total urinary passage, so you may see the dog is licking his genitalia for quite a long time. They do it to ease out a bit.
5. He will become lethargic and may refuse to take his choice of foods.
6. There may be tenderness in the lower part of abdomen for a long standing case of dog urinary infection. Symptom of fever is also seen in those dogs and it is a common but often unnoticed sign of fever.
7. In advanced cases symptoms of kidney involvement can also be seen.
The earlier the treatment begins; the better is for the dog. There is no point waiting as you notice any dog urinary infection symptom. Offer him plenty of water and other fluid. It is healthier to add some Vitamin C with the water. You must take the dog outside for walking for more number of times. As he urinates, he will feel better and the bacteria will be washed out. Any medicine should be given after a consultation with the Vet.


Boozi said...

Nice blog...Good Job. Keep it up !

Boozi said...

Nice job. Very comprehensive.
Congratulations for earning title in limca book of records and keep it up.