Monday, April 6, 2009

flank spay (keyhole surgery) in a female dog

Flank spay
A flank spay is an ovariohysterectomy that is performed by making the incision in the lateral body wall instead of the ventral midline. Benefits of this approach include an ability to observe the incision from a distance. When the flank incision is closed, the three separate muscle layers are each individually sutured, so there is less tension on any suture layer. The vascularity of these muscle layers may reduce healing time. Because wounds are not under the weight of abdominal contents, there is less tension on the incision, so there is a lower risk of dehiscence and lower risk of evisceration if dehiscence does occur. Finally, an incision on the lateral body wall may be less likely to become contaminated when animals can’t be kept in a clean environment post-operatively. It is also a useful approach to use for spaying dogs that are lactating or have mammary gland hyperplasia. This surgical method is commonly used in India.
Health Benefits
1. Spaying before the first heat can nearly remove the risk of mammary tumours in female dogs if spayed before their first heat.
2.False pregnancies are eliminated, and all their resulting stress.
3.Early spaying prevents ovarian and uterine tumours.
4.Uterine infections are also completely eliminated.
5.Spaying prevents accidental pregnancies.
Behavioral Benefits
1.A spayed female is much more comfortable.
2.By removing her hormone-producing ovaries, the mood swings are also removed .
3.There will be no more bloodstains on the carpet or bedding.
4.No more male dogs trying to break down your fence to reach her.

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