Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Guinea Pigs make fantastic pets for children. Also known as a “Cavy” and they are social and very affectionate. Apart from a regular checkup with your local vet to catch any potential illness ahead of time, there is no reason for a Guinea Pig to be any more trouble than a cat or a dog.

Parasites can become a problem, but generally aside from lice and mites not many other bugs affect the furry little creatures. Caring for your guinea pig should be a loving activity. As they like to sleep in and under straw, hay, and other soft surroundings, new bedding can be a problem with mites and lice. Lice can be seen in some cases, and if they are present, they can cause intense itchiness for your little friend.

Feeding your guinea pig is dependant on what you feed them in the first few weeks of their life. They will take a fancy to whatever it is you feed them during this time, and that will tend to be their preferred diet for life.In the initial phase of their life, feed them a good range of food, like grass, hay, fresh fruit and vegetables. Occasionally feed them pellets, but caring for your guinea means providing a good balanced diet, so don’t overdo the pellets.

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