Monday, April 12, 2010


  • Fruits are high in sugar so it's best to view them more as treats, and avoid any sudden changes in diet. Here is a list of thing which can be fed to guinea pigs :
    Red Pepper or green/yellow pepper.
  • Carrots , Apples, Oranges
    Leafy greens like red lettuce, Cucumbers
    Broccoli, Green beans, Grapes, Bananas,
    Dandelion Greens, strawberries, oranges.
  • The following is a list of food items to NEVER feed to your guinea pig.
    Iceberg lettuce, Any type of cabbage, Cauliflower, Potato peelings, Raw beans, Shelled nuts or seeds, Rhubarb, Meat or fish, Dairy Products. Chocolate or other caffeine-containing products. Cookies/bread, corn kernels or popcorn, sugary foods like donuts, candy, or soda
    Ice cream, Any processed or fried foods, Cheese, anything spicy

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