Sunday, February 21, 2010


Distemper in dogs is caused by a virus and is most prevalent in the spring and fall months.
Vaccination against distemper in pups and dogs is the best defense.
symptoms -
Early signs and symptoms of dog distemper
- fever, loss of appetite, eye inflammation, temperature above 103 degree F, depression, nasal discharge, Conjunctivitis.
symptoms when the intestinal tract is affected - vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, lethargy
symptoms when CDV affects the lungs and upper respiratory tract - coughing, sneezing, vomiting, green discharge from nostril, diarrhea, cough, labored breathing, fever
symptoms the brain and spinal cord are affected by virus - secondary bacterial infections, seizures, muscle incoordination, uncontrollable muscle twitch, hard pad disease,
depression, partial or incomplete paralysis, deterioration of mental abilities

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