Saturday, June 27, 2009


She was brought to the clinic with growth over chest cavity. Histopathology was done to find out the type and kind of growth and concluded Neurofibroma and was attached with ribs and intercostal muscles. Tumor was growing at speedy rate and dog was loosing weight day by day. Finally, it was decided to operate upon the dog.

1 comment:

Josey said...

I have a five year old American Bulldog, he was dignosed with neurofibromas after having surgery on what the vet thought was a benign tumor. He's had it removed leaving him with a HUGE scar on his left shoulder. He still has bumps all over and he non stops scratches the area where he had surgery! He now lives in a hoodie sweater it's my only way of keeping him from ripping his shoulder open because he scratches with his back leg!! Is neurofibromas painful in dogs? How serious is neurofibromas? He's had testing done to see if its cancerous but it all came back negative! I am worried sick for him and I've seen three vets and no one can seem to give me a straight answer! I need HELP!