Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ear infection in your dog

For ear infection, the vet should always be consulted so that the right treatment therapy is provided to your pet. The cure of ear infection start the moment it is diagnosed. Otherwise, the condition may worsen. Ear infection is one major health concern and all dog owners should be well-informed about this.
The infection can be outer, middle, and inner ear infections. The primary symptoms are foul-smelling wax discharges, swelling, redness, pain, and inflammation. Affected dog will be either shaking or cocking its head frequently and at an unusual angle. It may also rub its ear because of irritation. In worse cases, dogs may develop balance problems and hearing impairment due to the disease.
Causes of ear infection -

it is due to either bacteria or yeasts or both. Mites may cause this disease as well. if your dog has some external parasites, be sure that you do what it takes to eliminate them from your pet's body. Allergies, underlying diseases, and foreign objects may trigger the problem as well.
it is strongly advised that you don't just buy over-the-counter medications as they may not necessarily help your pets. Instead, take your dog to the vet and follow his advice.

Dog owners should be more concerned on how to prevent ear infections. Regular grooming and proper hygiene can help a lot.

If left untreated, ear infection could lead to a complex health concerns for your dog. The bottom line is that simple ear infection can develop into diseases with complications are next to impossible to reverse. And these diseases shouldn't have occurred in your beloved pets, if you were only there to give them the necessary medical attention.
So the next time you see your pet irritable, scratching its ears often, and has abnormally high ear wax excretion, better be ready to take it to the vet.

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