Thursday, January 29, 2009
cute pups 7 weeks old
cat bath
Decide whether your cat really needs a bath. There may be other ways, such as brushing the cat combing or even just rubbing down with a cloth.
Get at least two people involved in the washing of your cat, especially when your cat is rather strong and can kick its way out of your hands. One person must hold both arms and legs and a good idea would be to hold the cats jaw so it can't open its mouth and bite you. Hold your cat firmly so it cannot wriggle out from your grip.
Trim all nails before even attempting to wash a cat - it will reduce scratching.
Put a rubber mat in the tub or use a towel. Fill the tub no more than 4-5 inches with warm water.
Fill the tub and a seperate bucket before bringing your cat into the bathroom. This avoids running water around your cat which stresses them out.
Have shampoo and a small wash cloth ready. You also might want to have a helper - one to hold the cat, one to wash. Have two towels that you will dry your cat with ready as well.
Comb the fur thoroughly before you put the cat in the water, especially if the cat's a long-haired breed. If any knots are present, it will be next to impossible to remove them once the fur is wet.
Talk quietly around your cat and keep a good grip on the neck or shoulders. Sometimes cats will try to get out of the tub. If they prefer to only have two of their feet in the water, face them towards the back of the tub and let them stand on two feet.
Choose an appropriate shampoo for the job. Check with your veterinarian to select the shampoo best suited to your cat's condition. Human shampoos are not pH adjusted to cat's skin and medicated shampoos may be too harsh or toxic. If your cat has fleas, use flea shampoo (made specifically for cats).
Soak the cat from the neck down, using the wash cloth. Use a little bit of shampoo and with the water, wash your cat from the neck, body, legs, belly and tail. Be sure to not get shampoo in their eyes, nose, mouth, or ears.
Rinse thoroughly after shampooing with the water in the tub, and then allow the tub to drain and rinse two more times with the water from the bucket; you want all the soap out of the coat.
Have two towels ready for drying. Drain the water from around the cat and press as much water out of the coat before you wrap in the towel. Rub gently with one towel. The first towel will get pretty soaked, so you should switch to the drier one and finish drying until the cat is just damp. It helps if you warm the towels in the dryer first.
Finish the drying:
Short-haired cats can finish drying themselves in the bathroom as long as they're away from drafts.
For long-haired cats, you will have to use a comb and some more towels. Long hairs will become matted more easily when their fur is wet and it can help to comb them as they dry
Alternate Shower Techniques
Recognize that it may be helpful to wash your cat in a shower stall (if you have one with a door, not curtain). The cat is essentially trapped in the shower without you having to hold on. Make sure the cat has good traction (a small towel in the bathtub will help if you have no rubber mat) or you will have a panic-stricken cat that is likely to seek safety in height by trying to climb you like a tree.
Buy a hose adapter for your bathroom sink and a hose long enough to reach over the shower door and back down to the shower floor. Or, get a hand held spray shower and a Y-adapter to connect it to your regular shower head.
Hose your cat down, lather up, hose down to rinse, then proceed with drying. Some cats seem to actually enjoy the massage settings on hand held showers, especially on the back of the neck and down the ridge of the back.
Some cats can be unnerved by running water. Try to run a bath when they are distracted and make sure to set aside rinse water in separate refilled containers. This tends to cut down on the scratching, also.
Use separate bathing stations even with cats that have never been bathed before. Have a couple buckets filled with warm water. Dip the cat in and using a wash cloth make sure the cat is entirely wet, then soap the cat down. Next, put the cat in another bucket to rinse until soap is gone. Make sure to use warm enough water and to dry thoroughly. Cats are prone to pneumonia, bronchitis and other breathing problems associated with temperature changes.
Dry Shampoo Option
Dust the cat with cornstarch. Gently pet the cat to thoroughly rub the cornstarch into its fur. Let the cat clean itself with its normal grooming routine. This technique is far less traumatic than using water, and works especially well if the cat is greasy, however, use it for non-toxic dirt only. Do not use this technique if the cat has gotten into something poisonous.
Cats' natural body temperatures are several degrees above a human's, so what feels luke-warm to you can feel uncomfortably cold to a cat. It can be less uncomfortable for a cat if you bathe it in fairly hot water and steam up the bathroom so warm air is circulating. (Imagine if someone suddenly tossed you into a tepid swimming pool. Or how it feels when you finish with your shower and open the door, letting the regular air in. Feels freezing against your wet skin, right?)
Your cat has its own personality. While these are all good suggestions, be aware of your cat's reactions, and be prepared to adjust tactics accordingly.
Try giving your cat a treat after the bath; it might improve the tension for future baths!
The younger you start bathing your cat, the easier it will be as the cat will become familiar with it as part of its routine.
Brave souls may find it easier to put on old clothing and sit in the tub holding the cat and letting someone else actually bathe the cat.
When you have more time, run a very shallow warm bath.Pet the cat, and give it a treat if it is food oriented. Continue at this depth until the cat does not panic and try to escape. Repeat daily, until the cat treats it as part of a routine, gradually increasing the depth until it is accepting standing in 4-5 ins of water. As a final step, have someone else reassure the cat whilst you use your hand to gently make waves in the water. This can take a week, or months depending on the cat, but it is worth the perseverance to know that you can safely bathe your pet when necessary.
If all else fails, take your cat to a reputable, professional pet groomer or a vet for their washing. They will be able to use techniques to keep the cat calm.
Some cats will do better in an empty tub with water being poured on rather then being put into a tub with water already in it.
If you are giving your cat a flea bath, wet the area around its neck first. Fleas will try to escape to the dry areas of the cat, which can mean a mass exodus of fleas to the head and face while you are bathing. A wet neck will keep them off the head, and in contact with the water and flea shampoo.
You may find it helpful, if you have a cat that is very attached to you and is not scratching but is just scared, to simply take a shower with your animal. Wear a heavy sweatshirt and allow the cat to sit on your chest. The cat will most likely bury its face in your neck and feel calmed. Wash and rinse your cat as normal.
Another idea is to place your cat and water in a small plastic dishwashing tub (about 12x18 in.) and stand over it. This way, you can more easily control the cat, and it is harder for it to escape. I've found that never letting my cat escape on its own, and only letting it go when I am done has helped it be calm and cooperative during baths. It also helps to make bath time quick and gentle.
An oven rack can be used to give the cat something to hold onto. This reduces the chance of you being scratched and makes the cat feel better.
If you have a litter box in the same room as you are bathing the cat, remove it! Sometimes after the cat is put in the bath and it happens to escape it may go to the litter box and soon your floor will be covered in litter!
The YouTube video "How to Wash a Cat", though originally intended for comedy, has a lot of good tips in it.
Make sure the outside air temperature is over 70 degrees and at low humidity. Bathed cats can, and will, contract pneumonia, as they are easily chilled. Keep bathed cat indoors in warm family room for 12 hours if weather won't cooperate.
Watch out for cat claws if you decide to bathe your cat. Wearing a thick, long-sleeved sweater is one way to avoid getting scratched badly while bathing your cat. Be patient and gentle; it is natural for cats to fight the water because it simply doesn't feel right.
If you don't know how to properly hold a cat by the scruff, don't do it. Your cat may choke.
Don't put shampoo on their head. It could get in their eyes.
Be aware that you shouldn't bathe your cat frequently, this technique is just in case your pet is really dirty.
Although some cats may accept the bath without great complaints, they may get nervous or angry or too scared when you try to dry them. Be careful during this last phase-- shut the door of the bathroom or the cat will run away all wet, keep it calm or it will urinate, creating a big mess.
If you find your cat objects too much to a bath by hissing at you and trying to escape, then forget the bath. Use a wet washcloth instead. It removes the outer dirt, and cleans well. At your local pet store, you can find treated cloths that need no water to be used to groom the cat. They even have a pleasant scent.
Cats absorb chemicals through their skin, so they must be very well rinsed. Rinse until you see only clear water running off the cat.
Make sure to use specially formulated shampoo for cats. Your hair is different from that of your cat, and your shampoo will only irritate your cat's skin.
Do not use flea shampoos for dogs on your cat. They may contain ingredients that are harmful to your cat. Be sure to read the label on all products, and be aware that some flea products formulated for cats may still cause a reaction.
Do not bathe your pet any more than once every two weeks. Excessive bathing may remove protective oils from its fur, making it appear dull, and reducing the fur's natural efficiency against the elements.
Never use sinks that are freestanding because your cat might jump and slip from being wet and hurt itself.
Never get soap in your cat's eyes. As a safeguard, put 1 to 2 drops of eye lubricant into each eye just before bathing. You can use any human labelled eye drops that are indicated as a non-medicated ocular lubricant, often used for dry eye syndrome. They are available as over the counter (OTC) products at most drug stores.
Similarly, do not get soapy water into your cat's ears. To minimize the risk of creating an ear infection (otitis externa), put a pledget of cotton in each ear. Don't forget to take them out at the end of the bath. The cotton may also reduce the noise and make your job easier. At the very least your cat may be pre-occupied with the cotton in its ears and remain distracted. If your cats ears are particularly filthy, gently wipe the insides with a warm, damp wash cloth with no soap. Cat's ears contain protective waxes and oils that should not be removed.
Listen for sounds of unhappiness. These sounds include hissing, growling, breathing hard, sneezing, crying, and mewing.
Avoid using a blow dryer on a short-haired cat or kitten as it may burn them and/or cause more trauma. Short-haired cats can bathe themselves dry.
Never force your cat's head under the water! To wash their head and face, use a wash cloth.
Things You'll Need
2 towels
Your cat
A bath
Warm water (Not luke warm. Almost hot!)
A jumper or a long sleeved shirt
2 or more people
Thursday, January 22, 2009
how to bathe a dog
it is not healthy to bathe a dog frequently. A part of it is true and other part is not. While swimming in natural water is a good exercise for a dog and can be permitted according to its tastes and climate, using soaps or shampoos on dogs regularly can be hazardous. Especially human shampoos can cause an imbalance on dog's skin and may make its skin dry and itchy. However, dog-specific shampoos are much better and are recommended to be used only once every several weeks. The medicated shampoos meant to cure particular skin-disorders are different and the frequency of their use depends on the condition of the dog. It is best to bathe the dog only when its coat becomes greasy . Dog odor is also a sign that your dog needs a bath. Mud tends to dry up and fall off the dog's coat by itself as it rubs it on.
To bathe the dog, lay a blanket or the floor and keep two towels, dog shampoo, dog conditioner and a washcloth ready by the bathtub. Keep the dog's brush, comb and trash bag on the blanket. Special super-absorbent towels are quite helpful in drying the dog quickly. If the dog's coat is matted, brush him first to untangle the knots and then bathe him. The dogs that get too scared in the tub and keep jumping around, you might try to give him the shower with the hand-held showerheads. Being able to stand on firm ground, will keep him feeling safe. Inside the tub, you can put a non-slippery rubber bath mat to keep your pooch from slipping. Large dogs can be bathed in the garden using a hose and a bucket, especially when the weather is hot.
Don't dump water on dog's face and use a wash cloth instead, for the ears of the dog shouldn't get too wet inside and he generally gets too scared when doused over the head and may get aggressive. Conditioner helps to prevent tangles, in the dogs with long hair. Good shampooing, rinsing and condition of the dog's skin and coat keep lice and fleas away from dogs. Deodorants can be used to keep off the body odor and keep your dog smelling fresh and healthy. There are shampoos that claim to be gentle yet effective, perform antibacterial action, have pearlescent whiteners for that shiny sparkling whiteness in the coat and gentle aloe Vera and tea tree oil to keep the skin healthy. Dogs with black and dark colored coats can use special shampoos with them that enhance their natural shine. After lathering and cleaning the dog, rinsing is very important for any shampoo residue may cause skin irritation. Shampoos mild for eyes are recommended. Dogs often give a good shake, soaking you and the room. You can dry your pet using one end of a first towel over his head and drying him with the other end. The second towel is used to pick him up. After drying, lay your dog on the blanket and keep him there until he dries completely.
what is best for your pet - a raw egg or boiled egg
Raw eggs are definitely good for your pets health but you have to consider following points -
1.Try to purchase eggs fresh and un-refrigerated and keep them on the counter - at room temperature. (This won't work however after the eggs have already been refrigerated).
Note - people do not refrigerate eggs in India. best thing of maintaining eggs at room temperature is that refrigeration causes little damage to the egg protein
2.If there is a crack in the shell, don’t eat the egg. You can easily check for cracks by immersing the egg in cool, lightly salted water. If you notice the egg emitting a small stream of bubbles, do not take it, because the shell is permeable.
3) Open the egg and a healthy egg has no foul odor, the egg white is not watery (gel-like), while a healthy egg yolk is convex and firm.
- The major side effect of giving raw egg to your dogs and cats is the Salmonella Infection.There is no doubt that salmonella is a serious infection.
The severity of salmonellosis in dogs and cats varies:
dogs - acute enterocolitis ,fever, anorexia, lethargy ,diarrhea, possibly with mucus or blood ,abdominal pain (infection is often associated with mesenteric lymphadenitis)
Cats - prolonged periods of fever and anorexia without diarrhea.septicemia/endotoxemia
Salmonellosis in cats has also been caused "song bird fever," reflecting association with predation on infected migratory birds. - Dogs and cats tend to shed Salmonella organisms for very prolonged periods of time after infection.
- Dogs and especially cats can shed Salmonella organisms in both their feces and saliva, meaning that transmission can occur via licking.
- Pig ear dog treats may be a source of Salmonella infection for both dogs and humans that handle the treats.
- Dogs and cats may suffer salmonellosis as a "reverse zoonosis," with infection transmitted from human-to-dog and subsequently back to other humans.
Biotin (one of the water soluble vitamin B complex) as being an essential nutrient which can be bound by avidin, which is found in raw egg white. This binding prevents it's absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. Fortunately cooking deactivates this effect of avidin, and egg yolk is so high in biotin content that biotin deficiency does not occur when whole raw eggs are fed. So, whilst biotin deficiency is a potential problem - in reality it is unlikely to be seen in pets unless they are fed an extremely imbalanced ration that is predominantly egg white.
While it is true that giving too many raw egg whites to your pet to will cause a biotin deficiency, the fact is that nature created the egg in such a way that its yolk is very rich in biotin. One of the highest concentration in nature. give the egg whole together with the egg white and your pet will be fine.
Egg yolk is easy to digest whereas egg white is difficult to digest but by cooking or boiling the whole egg can be digested very well by your pet.
Monday, January 19, 2009
zorro gulped this stone from his house
brought him to jeevashram. i took his X-rays and we found the stone in the stomach. we did the gastrotomy and took out the stone. it was a square shaped , sharp edged stone. even the anaesthesia was very risky and he was very much down just only with the sedative.But we maintained the anaesthesia very well and he recovered well. now he is on Intra-Venous fluids and antibiotics and pain killers as well. he is recovering from that trauma of being sick since so long.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
no words to say for such a disgusting act

It was Friday morning when i was sipping hot tea in chilling weather of Delhi. I was looking at my four legged friends at jeevashram and thinking how beautiful life these animals have.. they have caring families or jeevashram. they just have to do little activity to please us to get those tasty treats.
Well this day dreaming suddenly shifted to a chaos was happening at the main door of jeevashram.
We rushed to the main gate and i almost cried out for help, i saw a female dog in a bad state. the dog was in severe pain when brought to jeevashram. Some one had forcefully inserted the nail driver into her vagina. the screw driver was visible from outside (vulvar lips) but was difficult to pull it.. We rushed and took her directly to the X-ray room to take the radiographs and to find out the length of driver.nail and screw were visible and apparently look quite long. finally we prepared the dog for surgery under general anesthesia. we took linea alba approach to operate the dog. we gave incision on vagina to expose the tool and with great difficulty we were able to take out the whole nail driver. we sutured the vagina part and the spayed the dog. she is still in trauma and is afraid of people and other animals. she is on fluid therapy, antibiotics and pain killer she had food as well.
Animal sexual abuse, often referred to as bestiality*, is the sexual molestation of an animal by a human. This kind of animal abuse includes a wide range of behaviors such as vaginal, anal, or oral penetration; fondling; oral-genital contact; penetration using an object; and killing or injuring an animal for sexual gratification. Animal sexual abuse may or may not include physical violence other than the sexual violation; and may or may not result in physical injury to the animal. Animal sexual abuse, like rape, is the eroticization of violence, control, and exploitation.
Although there has been little research to date on animal sexual abuse and its perpetrators, case reports and anecdotal accounts indicate that men are the primary abusers, although
women and children may be forced or coerced into sexual acts with animals or may be abusers themselves. Reports indicate a wide age range of abusers. Abusers may feel isolated, insecure, and powerless. They may have difficulty in forming healthy interpersonal relationships with other adult humans and may have experienced neglect, physical abuse or sexual abuse as a child. Some may suffer from mental illness.
People sexually abuse animals for a variety of reasons. Many abusers fall into one or more of the categories below (adapted from Carol Adams, 1995):
1. Opportunistic/Experimental: This type of abuse is often viewed as the act of a curious youth or a lonely man. These individuals may seek out animals for sexual gratification because animals are accessible, vulnerable, and non-threatening. They may abuse an animal out of boredom, insecurity, curiosity or as a substitute for a human partner. This type of abuser becomes accustomed to the idea that it is acceptable to exploit and control others for his/her own sexual gratification.
2. Fixated/Primary: In this category of animal sexual abuse, animals are the primary or exclusive focus of a human's sexual desires. These abusers often refer to themselves as "zoophiles". Some individuals may have species or gender preferences and use pornography involving animals. They defend their sexual abuse of animals as "consensual", claiming it benefits their "partners", and characterize their behavior as "loving". The rationalizations used to justify their actions are the same as those used by pedophiles, and, as in the case of victims of pedophiles, the claimed motivations don't matter to the victims. Just as pedophiles may seek out employment in child-related fields, this type of animal sexual abuser may seek out employment in animal-related fields in order to have access to numerous potential victims.
3. Domineering/Sadistic: Batterers, rapists and pornographers may force women, children, and other vulnerable individuals to have sex with animals in order to humiliate, dominate, control, and exploit the human and animal victims. Children who have been sexually abused may act out their abuse on animals in an attempt to gain a sense of control. Some
people may derive sexual gratification from the pain and suffering inflicted while sexually abusing animals. This type of sadistic sexual abuser will probably injure or kill the animal.
Any type of animal sexual abuse can involve the use of force and physical violence and may result in the intentional or unintentional death of the animal.
Cases of sexual abuse of animals include many species, both domestic and wild. Dogs and horses are the most frequently mentioned targets. Their availability and status as companions may make them likely victims. Dogs may be acquired from free-to-good home advertisements, pet shops, breeders, animal shelters or as strays. Animals who are kept outside, such as dogs, horses, cows, sheep, chickens, may be abused by "fence-jumpers" who trespass to gain access to animal victims. Wildlife in captivity, such as those in roadside zoos, may also be vulnerable to abusers.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
mange before and during treatment
shona in a dancing mood
Friday, January 9, 2009
shona just 2 months old
Thursday, January 8, 2009
tyson with pups
shona,shakti and swasti
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
urinary bladder calculi in a dog
Monday, January 5, 2009
summer tips for your pet
NEVER LEAVE YOUR PET ALONE IN A VEHICLE. Even with the open, a parked car, truck, or van can quickly become a furnace on a hot day – and kill an animal. Parking in the shade offers little protection, as the sun shifts during the day.
ALWAYS CARRY A GALLON OF COLD WATER. Pets can get dehydrated.
DON’T FORCE YOUR ANIMAL TO EXERCISE. Walk her in the early morning or in the evening, and keep walks to a minimum in hot, humid weather. Never ask an animal to exercise after a meal.
NEVER LEAVE YOUR DOG STANDING ON HOT FLOOR. His body can heat up quickly and his sensitive paw pads can burn.
DON’T TAKE AN ANIMAL TO THE POND. Unless you can provide a shaded spot and plenty of fresh water to drink. Rinse him off after he has been in pond water.
PROVIDE PLENTY OF SHADE. Bring your dog inside during the hottest part of the day, and make sure she has plenty of cool water. Keep cats indoors.
BE EXTRA SENSITIVE to old and overweight animals in hot weather. Small-headed or snub-nosed dogs, such as bulldogs, pugs, Boston terriers, lhasa apso and shih tzus as well as those with heart or lung ailments, should be kept cool in air-conditioned rooms as much as possible.
BE ALERT FOR COOLANT or other automotive fluid leaking from your vehicle. Animals are attracted to the sweet taste, and ingesting just a small amount can be fatal.
PROPERLY SCREEN ALL WINDOWS IN YOUR HOME to prevent escapes or accidental falls.
GROOM REGULARLY. Proper care can stave off summer skin problems. Brush cats often.
PROTECT your dogs and cats from ectoparasites.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
owning a pet
1. My life is likely to last ten to fifteen years. Any separation from you will be painful for me. Remember that before you acquire me.
2. Give me time to understand what you want from me.
3. Place your trust in me. Remember that before you acquire me.
4. Don’t be angry with me for a long and don’t lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends and your entertainment. I ONLY HAVE YOU.
5. Talk to me sometimes. Even if i don’t understand your voice when it is speaking to me. Be aware that however you treat me i will never forget.
6. Remember before you hit me that i have teeth that can easily crush the bones in your hand, but i choose not to bite you.
7. Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate, or lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps i don’t understand what you ask of me or perhaps i am not feeling well, not getting the right food, been out in the sun too long, or my heart is getting old and week.
8. Take care of me when i get old, you too will grow old.
9. Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say “ I can’t bear to watch”, or “let it happen in my absence”. EVERYTHING is easier if you are there.
few pet health tips
Grooming your dog not only helps him look his best, it also keeps him clean and healthy. Grooming sessions are an excellent time to access your dog’s health. Keeping your dog healthy and watching for any change in his condition will add to the enjoyment of yours years together.
Dog housed or exercised out doors and exposed to extreme temperature has changes their caloric requirement during cold weather, energy needs increase to maintain body temperature and more food may be required.
Exercising your dog not only strengthen the bond between you and your pet, it also the healthy thing to do. Dogs, like people, benefit exercise to control weight and maintain a healthy heart, lung and muscle tissue. If your dog has more energy then you do, teach him to fetch a ball/ disc. The activity may be just right for you and a challenging exercise for your dog
When treating your lawn or garden with fertilizer, herbicide or insecticides always keep your pet away from the area until the area dries completely per manufactures instruction. Discuss usage of products with manufactures of the products to be used. Always store such products in an area that will ensure no possible pet exposure.
Micro chipping must be done by a licensed veterinarian who implants the microchip under the skin between shoulders of dog. The procedure is not painful. Once implanted, the microchip need no further attention, has life span o f 35 years and can not be lost, be altered or intentionally removed.
All animals depend on water for life processes. Water is found inside and out side cell, and is involved in most biochemical reaction with in the body. Water deficit incompatible with good health. Water is the most important nutrient for survival on short-term basis and it is one that is to frequently neglected.
Summers means ticks and the danger of tick fever disease a trip to vet is in order to have your dog checked for tick worm as well as other internal parasite and to begin or continue a heart worm prevention program. Check carefully for ticks. Care must be taken to remove the entire head and ticks mouth part. Twisting or jerking may cause part of the mouth to break of in the skin, possibly causing chronic irritation. Avoid handling ticks with bare hands. Use twiser or protect the hands with latex gloves or a pepper tissue. Always disinfects the bite site and wash hands thoroughly.
A pet’s nutritional health depends on receiving the correct amount and proportion of nutrients from the six required group, water, protein, fat, carbohydrate, minerals and vitamins. With the exception of water, Purina pet food identifies a 100% complete and balanced contain all of these required nutrients.
The most common dental problem dogs experiences is build up from plaque. If left unchecked, plaque build up can eventually cause the inflammation of both the gums and the membrane lining of the tooth shocket. With proper treatment the teeth may become infected and fall out. The infection resulting form this condition may spread to other parts of the body.
Keeping your dog on lease gives you control when walking or running. If you exercise at night, place a reflective collar on your dog and use a bright coloured lease to alert passer by of your approach. You should wear white or light coloured clothing so you can also be seen.
Pets, like people may be tempted by holiday goodies. Allowing them to have holiday treats and sweets can leads to digestive upsets. In the case of chocolate, beware. Chocolate contains theobromine which is toxic to dog.